review on

An honest review of the PTC program by a premium member

Looking for a detailed review of I am a premium member with 15 referrals and I give you my honest opinion about my experience earning money this work at home program. I write for you the review that I wish I had when I first discovered and was researching its background and legitimacy. Including a walkthrough from registration to cash-out with an easy video guide, I will tell you how this program works and how to achieve that attainable success.

My coming to

At the beginning of this year I found some forgotten e-money I had left in my paypal. I thought 'Wow, what a waste of time; I could've invested this tiny amount', thus leading me to the website I had made money online previously through paid surveys, and I knew there was money potential on the internet. At first I was very reluctant to spend any money on a PTC internet website because I did not know how it worked and whether or not it would eventually turn out to be wasted money. So what does any good denizen of the internet do when they are not sure of something?

Look for user reviews posted on the internet.

Right? When you go to buy something online, or purchase a service online, you automatically go look at product reviews, or service reviews. If critics give it a bad review, you look for another opinion or another product. That is what I usually do, and I have purchased many-a thing online.

Problem: I could not find any, what I felt as, non-biased service reviews of

Obviously because everyone who does eventually join are automatically out to get your membership. I've read from very few sources claiming that is a scam site and they do not pay their members. I have also read from SEVERAL sources praising as the next best thing since sliced bread; all of them being members waving their referral links in the air. And the thing I hate most of all are the random webpeoples that just post up their screenshots of earnings and web stats as if that means anything to me. I actually look at them and think, so what? That could possibly be real, but they're just numbers to me. I couldn't even find a single competent worded review from a bought and purchased premium member who wasn't obviously out for my clicks. I was not yet convinced by this great thing called But I spend my money there anyway.

I purchase a premium membership with a 15 referral pack (Hey, I spent less than 100$... So what I am poor, I consider that a bit of money). In honesty, it was a whim purchase. If I made my money back I would be very happy, but I considered it lost money at the time.

What is, really?

This detailed review is made up of my experiences and thoughts based on those experiences.

I received my membership and members within 24 hours. A month later, I begin this review process.

So, as a premium member with a small band of purchased referrals, what is my experience like? I will try to explain as if to a person who has never participated in a PTC (Paid to click) program.

How you earn your money

Earning cents through viewing advertisements.

On the website I receive a minimum of 30 ad links a day (its just a list of links), where one 30 second ad is worth 1 cent. I say 30 second ad because the ad must stay open for 30 seconds for it to be valid. I have seen days with up to 120 ads, but the average is around 50. I consider it 30 cents a day earned, if I clicked all the ads for that day. The regular member has 10 to 20 ads or more a day, but the average that I have experienced and am seeing from my referrals are around 15 ads viewed.

So you click an ad, wait for the page to load, then wait for the timer to countdown, and then see if you get a green check mark or a red cross mark. Green check mark means the ad you viewed validated and you earned your one cent. Wash rinse repeat ad nauseum. Now, every time one of your referrals, a person that signs up as your referral, clicks a link, you also receive one cent for his advertisement that he viewed. (Realizing Success point one)


and the power to purchase

As of this writing, I have 15 purchased referrals (Realizing Success point 2) and thats it. No one else. I have not spammed all over trying to get myself more members, I have not emailed anyone trying to get them to sign up, I have not even asked any of the people I know if they wanted to do this. I do not count referrals that were not purchased because I can increase my own referral numbers only by purchasing more, as convincing someone else to sign up under you is harder to calculate than the dollar value of a purchased referral.

And overall, my referrals earn me an average of 1 dollars a day and declining. Not bad, but seeing as clicks start to decline from the beginning, not permanent. With a purchase value of 17$, my referrals have already paid for themselves and tripled their value within 2 months. I stated that this was not permanent, but the investment has turned a profit around that is more than enough. offers 4 referral packages:
- 15 Members for $16.98 = $1.14 per referral
- 35 Members for $34.95 and save 10% = $1
- 100 Members for $98.00 ($5 creditback) = $0.93
- 500 un-referred Members! $459 = $0.928

As with most purchases, buying in bulk saves you money. You may use your Visa/MasterCard or AlertPay account to buy the referrals, and they will be credited to your account within 2 days. (I got mine within 12 hours!)

I purchased the cheapest package and it has already paid itself triple over. Not very many investments can confidently claim that, and within 2 months.

Note: Whenever I look back and think about that first pack I purchased, I regret not immediately buying the 500 referrals instead. It would have made its investment back by now and I would have a much more substantial profit figure.

Money in the bank!

How to get your earnings!

How does payment work? used to pay you through Paypal, which was very good. They don't use Paypal anymore, they use AlertPay now.

What is the difference? Internationality. Alertpay is not as internationally prevailant as Paypal, therefore people in say Thailand would have a slightly harder time getting paid. Besides this, Alertpay is simply another means to a Paypal. You can attach a bank account to Alertpay and receive funs via e-transfer just like how Paypal works. With an added feature, Alertpay supports e-gold; an electronic gold standard [a stable, internationally set standard (currency)]. For e-gold and Alertpay users, this is set precedent.

The minimum cash out amount is 10$. So you earn at least 10$, cash out and it will be transferred to your Alertpay account, secure and in your (digital) possession. After transaction fees, approx. 9$. There is no upper cash-out limit. requires a maximum of 60 days processing time for Standard members, and 30 days processing time for Premium members.

Also, you cannot process more than one cash out request simultaneously; a security measure to prevent site exploitation. A bummer, but a kind-of-a necessity.

There is a Visa Electron Card in the works for immediate payment transfers (Realizing Success point 3).

The Bux.Card

The plastic access to your cash

The upcoming Bux.card

This is the shining hope and redemption in plastic form for every member. This Visa Electron card is suposed to be a credit/debit card that is suposed to solve all of our payment problems in one fell sweep; the way it should be done.

What is a Visa Electron is the sister card to Visa Debit, and is widely used across the world. It can be issued as a debit card or a credit card, depending on the card issuer. Visa Electron can also withdraw money from ATMs on the Visa Plus network. This, combined with expedient payments makes it a very versatile card indeed.

So,... like. Members can apply for the card I guess. Starting when? Well... now! Starting sometime in February we should be getting notice on their availability. Woohoo! I will apply as soon as I can, and update my experience with the card as soon as I get it!

Realizing success!

One: Through this program, you can have someone else sign up under you as your referral and have them earn money for both him and you.
Two: You can purchase referrals, users earning you money, from and quickly grow a large referral base.
Three: With the Visa Electron, your earnings from can be transferred into your account within a short amount of time.
Do you think you could earn money through this program?

The advertisements!

It actually is not something to groan at (all the time).

Now, honestly? I click on every single ad I get. (lair! hehe) Why? I can click the ad, open it, have the timer start, and continue web surfing. I surf the internet everyday, and I simultaneously surf ads. If you use the new IE or Firefox, you understand what I mean when I say surf tabs (Hundreds... upon hundreds of tabs). It is easy to look at ads and look at whatever else. I have easily made it a habit that I think I can do for... whenever! I look at it as 1 cent a minute online doing computer tasks (that means web surfing for me).

Now what about the ads? I actually read the ads! They are interesting enough to read through. I am interested in making money online (and if you are reading this you might be too) and they offer very many online 'schemes' that you might not have known about previously. They sell some odd things like luxury water; there are a lot of user testimonials and self advertising, but the majority of the ads are external. But remember, I have a premium account, so I would see all available advertisements.

As of this writing I have made half my money back with literally no effort extended. I have made one small change in my web surfing habit to get my own clicks in because I believe I should earn my referee money too. Its all participation in the program even if you are a top dog.

Impressions made


What is my impression? will last for a long time because it has such a large user base And a demand for ads. If you have a large network of people online or offline that you could introduce as your referral, you could make a lot of money. I know for a fact that you could make 4 figures a month, and quite possibly 5 through this site with referrals. It is all about ingenuity in getting those referrals. I don't have that ingenuity obviously, or else I would be bragging about the phat bux lewtz I bankd.

You would have to invest heavily into to get 5 figures a month, but on the forum boards people are trickling in 1000$, 23000$ lump sum, and11000$ total user payouts. I believe them. I think has earning potential. You need to discover this for yourself too.

(It is about those 3 success points I pointed out above. Realize that other people can make money for you, that you can actually invest and purchase those referrals to gain quick monetary momentum, and with the Visa Electron have quick access to your earnings from Everyone who is making any money from earns it from referrals, and the earnings they make, they purchase more referrals to earn more money. That is how you make an income source from

Overall how would I rate my investment (time and monetary) with So far, it has been a steady ride, and I see a lot of potential I want to tap into. I rate this on a scale from 1 to 10, an 8.9, with a potential 10 when I reach my 5th figure. (I believe this is one of those internet fads that can explode with growth. Gotta catch 'em all!)

I personally will stick with through the end of this and next year as a personal financial experiment. I mapped it out for you real simply! Would you like to join me?
Referral ID: renenoordman

I offer you both the choice to sign up as my referral and the option to sign up unreferred. I personally do not like being forced being a referral when I think the guy earning off of me is an ass; doesn't deserve the money. I think there are many undeserving people online. By writing this extensive and hopefully helpful review,I hope I have become a deserving person in your eyes. Hehe ;)

"It is all about ingenuity in getting those referrals. Referrals make your money."

Important: Downside to

Yes, there is a down side to

I wonder why people don't address this simple warning about any online referral program.
-- is not a scam. will pay you what you have earned. You are able to purchase referrals who click to earn money. If you follow all the rules (there are only a few) you Are able to turn investment into profit in a very short amount of time with

But there is one negative that you must be aware of.

You may purchase a bundle of referrals and immediately see results in earning power, earning Xn$ per day. You will almost definitely earn back your invested capital and start earning profit for weeks! But starting from the first day you purchased your referrals, your earnings are in a constant state of decline.

You earned Xn$ per day, but that number will go down everyday until it reaches zero. Why? Because referrals are people. People are not going to spend everyday clicking every single ad. They have lives of their own. And eventually every referral stops clicking. This is truth.

The average lifespan of a purchased non-premium member is 9 to 11 weeks*. If you are lucky and one of your referrals are a premium member, that referral is almost surely a dependable source of clicks.

If my referrals are going to eventually stop clicking and stop earning money, then why should I bother to purchase these large referral bundles? Because they will earn back their investment plus substantial profit. That is why so many people who have joined with are convinced so completely. A member purchases premium membership and a referral pack of any size.

They will make back what they invested in and start making profit.

How much? Well I have calculated the average bought referral will earn 400 to 550 clicks** in its lifespan, peaking in the first months and steadily being to decline. So how much did you pay for your referral? .928$? .93$? 1$? 1.14$? For free?

Subtract the referral purchase pack price from the calculated average referral click value multiplied by the total referrals you purchased and you will get your total profits.

If you consider it on a massive statistical average scale, you can conclude realistically expectable profits. Statistically speaking. And you could be a statistic.

And please, don't try to cheat the system

It hurts everyone!

For those of you considering exploiting one cent an ad to earn money through the use of several accounts automated to earn you big money, think again. It is one computer to one user. One user may log into several computers, but one user per computer. You could always erase the cookies and restart the computer, but that is a hassle if you are trying to exploit something. Plus, they require human input at login.

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